Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Nairobbery 7’s Tournament

When I got back to the Bush Hostel, there were tons of new Wazungu, mostly from the England or Scotland. I got in late on Saturday so I didn't stay up chatting for long; however, I was hanging out late enough to learn there was going to be a 7s Rugby tournament occurring at the Nairobi Stadium. For those of you who don't know, a 7s tournament is basically a bunch of Rugby games where they only have seven people playing on each team instead of fifteen. We all headed over in cabs at 9:30 the next morning and cheered for countries all over Africa, UK, Japan, and France (a lot of the people I met actually knew players on the Bristol University Team). Clearly, a weekend sports event would not be complete without a cold beer in hand and boy was it cheap here. Over the course of the day two 19 year-old Scottish boys and myself polished off six six-packs of Tusker and Redd's (a sweet-apple beer that goes down like juice). To justify at least half of the cases of beer, by purchasing a six pack of Tusker, you received a free hat (a nylon cow boy shaped hat in neon yellow advertising the alcoholic deliciousness) Between serious games, they could say what I guess would be like honorary games; there were two women's games (one where a woman had to switch jerseys and didn't have an undershirt which caused quite the ruckus from the crowd) and another game from what looked to be a geriatrics league. These men hardly trotted around the field, clearly not still in proper rugby playing shape.

Then, surprise, surprise, a massive hangover kicked in around nine Pm. It dissipated around ten, but I stupidly smacked a mosquito on my ear which brought the pounding back with a vengeance. Sadly, I couldn't muster up the strength to go with everyone to the after-party (which was really sad because there were some sexy rugby players that I would've enjoyed meeting:) )

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