I made it! Lesson 1 learned very quickly-Pay attention!!!!!! Don't worry, nothing has been stolen and I haven't been physically or emotionally attacked--I learned this at the Logan Airport in Boston. Kate Levinter brought me to the airport at 9 in the morning (thanks, Lady!) and when we arrived at the airport I completely blanked on the airline I was flying on; I figured she should just drop me off at the international terminal--bad move, Kelly. Turns out I was flying American Airlines first and then transferring to Avianca in Miami. Good work. Then, upon further investigation through my complicated itinerary, I realize I am flying into Guayaquil, not Quito...smooth move again, champ. Now, I have James and Aubrey's friend, Federico, picking me up from the airport and a hostel booked in QUITO--grr. Luckily, I got a hold of Federico to let him know the situation (he just laughed at me, silly Gringita) and changed the arrival date with the hostel online. No big deal.
When I finally got into the Guayaquil airport it was Midnight and, well, a blonde, American lady really shouldn't be wondering around in the dark in foreign countries, so I slept in the airport and got a bus to Quito at 6 am. Sleeping in that airport is apparently the popular thing to do; an adorable older Ecuadorian woman (think grandmother) watched over me--gracias senorita!! I logged nine hours of traveling time on the bus; during this time I got to see countryside living--lots of donkeys, dogs, hogs, piglets, and human public urination facing moving traffic. Also, food stand are EVERYWHERE...I mean, there may not be houses around, but there will a few children with their presumed mother under a little hut stirring a pot and selling Pilsner beer for 30 cents (no joke).
So, FINALLY, I make it to my hostel "The Blue House". I e-mailed Federico and he brought me out to dinner at this gorgeous restaurant called "Pimm's" (after the cordial, It seemed), which overlooked the twinkling lights of the HUUUUGE city. He ordered an abundance of local food, mini empenadas, multiple fruit juices (my favorite was naranita), a potato/cheese/avocado soup, figs and cheese, and another plate with churizo, potatoes, avocado, and a sunny side egg. MMMMM. Being that all I had eaten in the last 24 hours was a mini bag of potato chips on the bus (called Tip Tops), this feast was a perfect welcoming to Quito. He tried to show me some sights but I was so tired I was going cross-eyed; he brought me back to my hostel and will be showing me around today. I am already so happy, though I obviously miss my friends and family (thank you for the most amazing good-bye party, I've never felt so loved)--I can't wait to see what's next:)
I've decided that, being that the world is full of foods that I have never even heard of, I would like to experience as many as possible and share them with whomever feels like reading my blog.
I haven't really tried anything too odd, yet, however, for dessert last night we ate figs with cheese. They were VERY sweet; the cheese, however, helped to balance the flavors.
Taste (rating 1-5, 5 being AMAZING) 2.5
After-taste ( measuring the negative effects on my body from 1-5, 5 being horrific) 1
Another backpacker took a picture of me on the plane when he thought I wasn't looking.....
1 comment:
HAHAHAHAHAHAH that story just made me miss our adventures!
......I will be expecting good things in the mail! lol
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